Fake websites are everywhere, now more than ever. Scammers are preying on people buying popular products that are in short supply. INTEX products are in high demand as people are staying home and looking
for family entertainment. Scammers know this and are targeting you with fake websites offering INTEX products at prices that are too low to be true. You need to be wary and skeptical.
We've created some general guidelines to help you:
Search for Authorized INTEX Retailers
If you are looking for an INTEX product, please go directly to https://intexcorp.com to ensure you are on our official website. If purchasing elsewhere, please confirm that the retailer is one of the Authorized INTEX Retailers by searching at: https://intexcorp.com/retail-partners/.
If you were a victim of fraud, there are things you can do: please see 10 below. We are sorry that you had this bad experience but INTEX cannot be held responsible for a fraudulent transaction or purchase.
The Website's Content is Poor
We take pride in building our brand online and hold our authorized retailers to a similar standard. If the website is poorly designed, the language is sloppy, or it is devoid of product/safety information, product photography etc., it is not a legitimate website.
fake websites
1. 70-90% Sale called out in several places
2. No safety information

Poor Photography

Sloppy Language


70 - 90% sale called out
in several places
No Safety Information


our website

our website

The Deal is Too Good to be True
If an advertisement is telling you that the product you want is now 70% - 90% off, they are lying to you.

Do not click on the ad.
Do not give them your money.

The Site was Advertising on Social Media
While INTEX and our authorized retailers do advertise on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, so do fake websites. Again, look at the URL, the offer and the advertisement's content and think before you click.

You Cannot Pay with a Credit or Debit Card
Any site asking you to pay either with cash, check, wire transfer or money order is not a legitimate website. If a site ever asks you for information that seems unnecessary for a purchase, like your social security number, shop elsewhere.

The Website does not end in .com
Our website is registered as intexcorp.com. While our authorized retailers may differ, you will never see INTEX use: .club .site .top
The Site uses a Nonsensical Combination of Letters
Scam sites use a variety of URLs in an attempt to appear legitimate or confuse consumers by choosing words and letters that are close to the brand name. Click here for a list of scam sites we have identified and taken action against. New fraudulent sites pop up every day so this is not a current list of sites to avoid: just examples to note.
The Contact Information is Suspicious
INTEX and our dealers hold ourselves to a very high standard of customer service. If you cannot reach the person you are buying from, do not buy from them.

The Site is Relatively New
You can check to see how long a website has existed by entering it into archive.org. If the site is brand new and offering steep discounts, do not purchase anything from them.

Fraud Services
If you think you made a purchase on a scam website, call your bank or financial institution, cancel payment immediately and block that method of payment to prevent additional fraudulent activity. Then, contact the Better Business Bureau as soon as possible to report the fraudulent activity.
Avoid being the victim of a scam Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 10 Things You Can Do to Avoid Fraud:
A Project of the National Consumer League:
For updates on other types of potential scams, check out the FTC's "scam alert" website at